India's Hydrocarbon Outlook – 2022-2023

14 DGH: 3 DECADES OF UNLOCKING INDIA'S HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL DGH has been entrusted with multifaceted functions and responsibilities which include: a) Providing technical expertise and advice to the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas on pertinent issues related to the exploration and optimal exploitation of hydrocarbons in India and abroad by national oil companies. b) Scrutinizing and assessing the exploration programs of companies holding Petroleum Exploration Licenses (PELs) under the oilfields (Regulation and Development) Act, 1948 and the Petroleum and Natural Gas Rules, 1959, with a view to advising the government on the adequacy of these programs. c) Re-evaluating the estimated and discovered hydrocarbon reserves in coordination with the operating companies. d) Advising the government on the allocation of exploration acreages to companies and matters concerning the relinquishment of such acreages. e) Reviewing the development plans proposed by operating companies for commercial discoveries of hydrocarbon reserves, assessing the feasibility of these plans and the proposed exploitation rates, and making recommendations to the government. f) Concurrently reviewing and monitoring the management of petroleum reservoirs by operating companies and advising on any corrective actions required to ensure optimal exploitation of reserves and conservation of petroleum resources. g) Regulating the storage, maintenance, and preservation of data and samples related to petroleum exploration, drilling, and production, and preparing data packages for the allocation of exploration acreages to companies. h) Undertaking other incidental functions and any other responsibilities as assigned by the government from time to time. MONITOR Monitor Exploration & Development operations/ activities of companies holding acreages PROMOTE Promote investments in Indian E&P sector REGULATE Regulate, preserve, upkeep of geological data of the country ADVISE Advise Government on offering of acreages, exploration strategies and production policies