India's Hydrocarbon Outlook – 2022-2023

149 DGH: 3 DECADES OF UNLOCKING INDIA'S HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL 6.2.2 Status of OALP bidding rounds a) Increases in Exploration Acreage Withthesuccessful roll outof theHELP/OALP regime, based on the world-class National Data Repository (NDR), the Government has achieved massive enhancement of exploration acreage in India. b) Summary of Participation In seven rounds of bid under OALP, 139 blocks were on offer and 134 exploration blocks covering an area of 2,07,691 sq. Km. were awarded to successful bidders. However, post relinquishment of seven blocks, 127 exploration blocks cover an area of 2,00,631 . 239 bids were received for remaining 134 blocks that are spread over 16 Sedimentary Basins. During the last one year starting (from 1st March, 2022 up to 28th February, 2023), a total of twenty nine (29) blocks were awarded for a total area of approx. 51,112 . under the HELP. Summary of participation in OALP rounds is as under: OALP Round Blocks on offer Number of participant No. of bids Total Area awarded ( .) OALP-I 55 9 110 59,282 59,282 OALP-II 14 8 33 29,233 29,233 OALP-III 23* 5 42 31,722 29,765 OALP-IV 7 2 8 18,510 18,510 OALP-V 11 3 12 19,789 19,789 OALP-VI 21 3 24 35,346 35,346 OALP-VII 8 4 10 15,766 15,766 Total 139 239 2,09,648 2,07,691 Category of Basin Number of Blocks Area (sq. km.) % of area Category-I 96 109871 52.9% Category-II 26 72354 34.83% Category-III 12 25466 12.26% Grand Total 134 2,07,691 100% * No bid received for five CBM Blocks. Overall area of 2,07,691 sq. km is splitted in to three categories of sedimentary basins in following way: Table 6.5: Summary of Participation in OALP Bid Rounds Table 6.6: Acreage Awarded by Basin Category under OALP c) Committed Exploration Work Programme and committed Investment As on 13.03.2023, Investors of the 134 blocks in seven (7) rounds of OALP have committed 30,655 LKMof 2DSeismic Survey and 58,080 sq. km of 3D Seismic survey, 487 number of Exploratory wells, 290 core analysis to establish shale resources. However, post relinquished of seven blocks, Committed