India's Hydrocarbon Outlook – 2022-2023

16 DGH: 3 DECADES OF UNLOCKING INDIA'S HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL 1. All powers and functions of the Central Government under the Production Sharing Contracts, Coal Bed Methane Contracts and Revenue Sharing Contracts in connection with petroleum operations or coal bed methane operations; 2. Provided that the Central Government shall continue to exercise the allowing powers and functions under the Production Sharing Contracts, Coal Bed Methane Contracts and Revenue Sharing Contracts, as the case may be: i execute, amend, extend and terminate the contract; ii grant or recommend grant of Petroleum Exploration License and Petroleum Mining Lease; iii shift and change of delivery point beyond the Contract Area; iv approve cases of excess cost recovery exceeding twenty percent of Appendix-H estimates in respect of Production Sharing Contracts signed under bid round V to IX of New Exploration and Licensing Policy and S-type Exploration blocks; v nominate Government representatives as members of the Management Committee and Steering Committee and designate Chairman and Deputy Chairman; vi decide the quantum of damages in Pre-NELP Production Sharing Contracts and Production Sharing Contracts of bid round I to VII under New Exploration and Licensing Policy or penalties payable to the Government; vii exercise the right to prospect for andmineminerals or substances other than petroleum or grant a license or other rights to any party for such purposes; viii extend or enlarge the Contract Area to include entire area of reservoir sinuated outside existing Contract Area: ix approve or disapprove Development Plan in case the Management Committee fails to convey its decision regarding approval of the same and where the relevant contract so permits, upon rejection of the Development Plan by the Management Committee; x require joint development or unit development where parties are unable to agree on joint development or a plan for joint development and cause preparation of the plan for such joint development or unit development; (xi) take Government's share of profit petroleum in kind or cash and in case Government's share of profit petroleum is to be taken in kind, agree upon the procedure for delivery of Government's share of profit petroleum and on composition of petroleum to be delivered; xii take in kind and dispose of the Government's share of crude oil; xiii all powers related to valuation and allocation of crude oil, condensate and Natural Gas including determination of the mechanism, formula, basis of calculation and prices of sales; Government strengthens DGH's compliance, regulatory, development and coordination roles through new delegation of Powers & functions (office order dated 10 th Oct 2019)