India's Hydrocarbon Outlook – 2022-2023

18 DGH: 3 DECADES OF UNLOCKING INDIA'S HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL Figure 1.1: Exploration and Production Regimes in India 1947 1980 -1995 2016-17 2019 2020-21 2022-23 2014 1997-2012 2015 2018 1947 2023 1980 1997 2015 Nomination Era Pre-NELP PSCs CBM Contracts/NELP PSCs DSF/HELP RSCs Beginning of de-regulation 28 producing fields and 28 exploratory blocks o ered to players including private New Domestic Gas Pricing Guidelines Further liberalization of the sector • Hydrocarbon Exploration & Licensing Policy • Discovered Small Field Bid Round 2016 • Operationalization of NDR • Open Acreage Licensing • Revenue Sharing Model • Pricing Guidelines for di‹cult gas fields • Single License for all type of Hydrocarbons • Reassessment of HC Resources, 2017 • NDR launched State Monopoly Public sector upstream companies • Liberalization of E&P Sector (1997- 2012) • 9 NELP and 4 CBM rounds. • 254 exploratory and 30 CBM Blocks through competitive bidding and 3 Nomination CBM Blocks Discovered Small Field Policy • OALP Bid Round - I, 55 blocks awarded • Discovered Small Field Bid Round-II • Policy permitting exploration & exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbons • Policy to promote & incentivise enhanced recovery • OALP Bid Round IV • • • Launch of OALP Bid round-VIII Launch of OALP Bid round-IX Launch of SCBM-2022 & V • Policy reforms such as exemption from seeking Environment Clearance for exploratory drilling and no restriction on early monetization of Hydrocarbons Natural Gas marketing reforms - to move towards Gas based economy • OALP Bid Round II & III • Reforms in Exploration Policy 2021-22 • Launch of OALP Bid Round VI & VII • DSF-III Bid Launch of Round • SCB -2021 Launch of M