India's Hydrocarbon Outlook – 2022-2023

POWERED BY TEAMWORK, DRIVEN BY EXCELLENCE THE REMARKABLE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF ‘DGH’ Dr. Avinash Chandra (May 1993 – September 2003) Shri V. K. Sibal (November 2004 – October 2009) Shri S. K. Srivastava (November 2009 – April 2012) Shri R. N. Choubey, IAS (June 2012 – February 2014) Shri B. N. Talukdar (February 2014 – June 2015) Policy Implementation • Formulation of Policy for Exploration and Production of CBM • National Gas Hydrate programme (NGHP) • New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) • NELP-I, II, III & IV bid rounds Policy Implementation • Policy for Extension of Exploration Phase Under NELP and Pre- NELP PSC • Ideation of National Data Repository (NDR) • Guideline for Announcement of New Discovery • Guidelines for Uniform System of Classification of Hydrocarbon Resources & Reserves Policy Implementation • Gas Production under PSC increased by 171% as production from KG-DWN-98/3 started in FY 2009-10 • NELP-VIII and NELP-IX bidding Rounds & 1 round of CBM bidding Policy Implementation • Policy Guidelines of Exploration and Exploitation of Shale Gas and Oil in Nomination ML area of National Oil Companies Policy Implementation • Site Restoration guidelines on petroleum operations • Policy for Extension of Production Sharing Contracts • Uniform LicensingPolicy • Marginal Field Policy • Open Acreage Licensing Policy Key Initiative • First Director General of Directorate of Hydrocarbons (DGH), served the longest period as DG, DGH till date • Re-assessment of Hydrocarbon Resources in India • Spearheaded mapping of over 130 Deepwater plays (25,000 LKM of 2D seismic surveys) Key Initiative • Conducted NELP-V, VI & VII bidding Rounds and CBM-II, III Rounds • 12000 LKM of 2D seismic data of west coast reprocessed during the 2007-08 • S type blocks offered no requirement of technical capability for PQC • Initiated oil shale deposits and syn-crude resource estimation project for North Eastern part of India Key Initiative • 3607.5 LKM of 2D speculative surveys; 10,000 LKM of reprocessing of old seismic data text and Airborne survey covering 13994.64 LKM in block 3 in Kutch area Key Initiative • Re-assessment of Hydrocarbon Resources in India Key Initiative • Encouraging E&P Activities in North East • Multi Client Geo- Scientific Surveys • National Data Repository (NDR) • Standing Committee on Petroleum Industry Practices GIPIP 197