India's Hydrocarbon Outlook – 2022-2023

23 DGH: 3 DECADES OF UNLOCKING INDIA'S HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL S.No. Area/Block Survey Type State/ offshore Year III. SPECULATIVE SURVEYS 10 Western & Eastern Offshore 2D seismic Shallow & Deep water of west and east coast 2005-07 11 Western Offshore 2D seismic (Re-processing) West coast of India 2007-08 12 Andaman Offshore 2D seismic Andaman sea 2007-09 13 Eastern Offshore CSEM East coast- KG Basin 2007-08 14 Western Offshore 2D seismic West coast of India 2009-10 15 Western Offshore 2D seismic West coast of India 2009-10 16 West and east coast 2D seismic Shallow & Deep water of west and east coast 2008-10 17 Andaman Islands of India 2D seismic (Re-processing) Andaman Islands of India 2009-10 18 Kutch Airborne HRAM Gujarat 2007-09 Airborne GM Gujarat 2009-10 IV. SEISMIC SURVEYS OFFSHORE 19 Andaman Infill 2D Seismic Andaman Offshore 1999 20 Southern Tip (ST) 2D Seismic Deep waters 2001-02 21 East Coast (EC) 2D Seismic Deep waters 2001-02 22 Andaman-Nicobar (AN) 2D Seismic Deep waters 2001-02 23 West Coast (WC) 2D Seismic Deep waters 2002-03 ONLAND 24 Ganga Valley (GV) 2D Seismic Bihar 2002-03 25 Chambal Valley (CV) 2D Seismic MP & Rajasthan 2003-04 26 Kutch 2D Seismic (Acquisition) Gujarat 2006-09 V. INTEGRATED GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS 27 Deccan Syneclise (DS) Narmada-Tapti Area Gravity, MT, DRS, 2D seismic MP, Maharashtra & Gujarat 2003-04 VI. GRAVITY -MAGNETIC SURVEYS & OTHER GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS 28 Vindhyan (Amriti) GM MP 2003-04 29 Gulf of Kutch MS & MMT Gujarat 2006-08 30 Central India Land MT MP & Rajasthan 2006-09 31 Narmada-Cambay/ Deccan Syneclise Analysis of Aerial Images/ Remote sensing data Maharashtra, MP, Gujarat 2006-08