India's Hydrocarbon Outlook – 2022-2023

28 DGH: 3 DECADES OF UNLOCKING INDIA'S HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL 7. Setting up of National Data Repository, 2017. The Government of India notified the Open Acreage Licensing Programme (OALP) as a part of the Hydrocarbon exploration and Licencing Policy (HELP) on 30th June, 2017. National Data Repository (NDR) is a pre-requisite and key component for making OALP operational to view the surface and sub-surface geological, geophysical and other technical data by the investors. NDR was launched on 28th June, 2017 National Data Repository (NDR) set up at DGH and launched on 28th June, 2017 to make the entire Exploration and Production (E&P) data available for commercial exploration, research and development and academic purposes. Future ready National Data Repository 2.0 [NDR 2.0] Next generation National Data Repository 2.0 (NDR 2.0) is planned with the aim to further improve the data accessibility (downloading), data reporting, submission(Uploading) and enhance storage (for all E&P data types including seismic field data) and to create a cloud enabled database platform. Refer Chapter - 3 for more details 8. Appraisal of Unappraised areas in Sedimentary Basins, 2017 The Government has taken up programme of undertaking 2D seismic survey of entire unappraised areas. National Seismic programme (NSP) was launched on 12th October 2016. With its aim to undertake appraisal in all sedimentary basins across India, especially where no/scanty data is available, a total of ~ 46,960 LKM acquired out of the target 48,243 LKM – close to 97% of the target has been met. There are some areas as per project plan where seismic survey couldn’t be carried out due to in-accessible terrain and hostile environment. Appraisal of such difficult areas is being taken up through Airborne Geophysical Survey. Total 40,000 LKM flight LKM Gravity Gradiometry and Gravity- Magnetic data is to be acquired in these areas within a year. The project is implemented through Oil India Limited and tendering for hiring services for undertaking Airborne Geophysical Survey is under progress. The area surrounding the Andaman & Nicobar (A&N) islands have significant potential for oil and gas. Thus, for a comprehensive appraisal of Andaman offshore, DGH formulated a plan to acquire 22,500 LKM 2D Broadband seismic data acquisition, processing, and interpretation thereof covering basinal area of approx. 281,613 Sq. Km. The survey activities has been completed in February 2022. Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) survey, (Ongoing) : Approximately 1.13 Million Sq. Km. is unappraised in the Offshore Basinal Areas of Indian sedimentary basins up to EEZ. ONGC was entrusted as nodal agency for EEZ survey. Accordingly, ONGC awarded the contract (70,000 LKM with a provision of 20% extension) to service provider for 2D Broadband Seismic Data Acquisition covering three sectors; Western, Eastern