India's Hydrocarbon Outlook – 2022-2023

42 DGH: 3 DECADES OF UNLOCKING INDIA'S HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL Rajasthan is a Category I basin, implying that the basin has significant commercial discovered inplace. The basin has an area of 126,000 sq. km. which is entirely onland. In the basin, 7 plays are identified within Basement, Cretaceous, Volcanics, Paleocene-Eocene in Barmer sub- basin; 9 plays within Jurassic- Cretaceous, Paleocene-Eocene in Jaisalmer sub-basin and 3 plays within Pre-Cambrian in Bikaner-Nagaur sub-basin. The Barmer sub-basin is situated in the western region of Indian peninsula and the most prominent among the three sub-basins of Rajasthan basin. It falls entirely within the state of Rajasthan. The sub-basin accounts for one-fourth of oil production of the country. The Barmer sub-basin is currently under active exploration stage. Commercial hydrocarbon occurrences, besides Deccan Trap and Basement, are found in different stratigraphic intervals ranging from the oldest sediments of Cretaceous (Ghaggar- Hakra) to the youngest sediments of Paleocene and Eocene (Barmer Hill, Fatehgarh, Thumbli). Several oil and gas fields have been discovered within structural, stratigraphic and strati-structural entrapment conditions, of which majority of the discoveries sediments, ranging from Cretaceous (Ghaggar Hakra) to Eocene (Thumbli). Multiple souce rocks are evident with instances of same play acting as source and reservoirs. Fatehgarh and Barmer Hill of Paleocene are major producing sequences of the subbasin. The Jaisalmer sub-basin is mainly a Mesozoic rift basin set up during Permo-Triassic period. The sub-basin is under active exploration stage. Commercial accumulation of gas deposits is reported from clastic sequences of Late Jurassic (Baishakhi-Badeshar) to Early Cretaceous (Pariwar). The sub-basin is tectonically affected by Himalayan orogeny, having caused strike- slip fault system as a part of major structural framework. With the sequences thickening westward, such faulting has contributed to local hydrocarbon entrapment. Late Jurassic to Eocene are part of proven play system while Permo-to-Middle Jurassic plays are identified and known, but not yet proven. Though gas accumulation has been established in the sub- 4. RAJASTHAN BASIN DGH Internal DGH Archive are encountered in Tertiary sediments. The sub- basin is peri-cratonic rift set-up as an extension of southerly located producing Cambay basin. Sediments include rift-fill siliciclastic deposits and hosts thick pile of Mesozoic-to-Tertiary