India's Hydrocarbon Outlook – 2022-2023

43 DGH: 3 DECADES OF UNLOCKING INDIA'S HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL basin, there is a possibility of liquid hydrocarbon accumulation due to the presence of Type-II organic facies mixed with predominantly Type- III facies in the sub-basin. The Bikaner-Nagaur is a shallow Proterozoic sub-basin with a Pre-Cambrian basement comprised of the Malani Igneous Suite and Delhi Metamorphites. The sub-basin is a part of Punjab platform of Indus basin having a general dip towards west and sedimentary units thickening towards northwest. The sub-basin is under active exploration stage with sporadic discovery of high viscous oil from Jodhpur formation of Infra Cambrian age. Bikaner Nagaur sub-basin is a distinct thick Infra-Cambrian stratigraphic section. Despite the widely spaced 2D and patchy 3D seismic data, a fault pattern could be discerned. All major faults and relevant individual faults may reveal a structural style and orientation. The main structural style is strike slip deformation associated with ENE- WSW trending fault system which is dominant in Baghewala and surrounding areas. High angle reverse faulting system is seen across the Baghewala strike-slip fault. The Bikaner-Nagaur Sub-basin, equivalent to Salt-range Group of Punjab platform was mainly under a marginal- to-shallow marine set-up during the Infra- Cambrian period and sometimes under arid climatic conditions. The bottommost Jodhpur Group was deposited as a shoreface facies under marginal marine set up. The overlying Bilara group represents inter-tidal carbonate depositional setting, and overlain by HEG (Hanseran Evaporite Group) formation, which is comprised of Sabkha deposit representing an arid climate and the topmost Upper Carbonate deposit represents a carbonate platform set up under shallow marine condition. There are three known petroleum accumulations in the basin. Most of the reservoirs are getting charged from more than one source rock or each source rock is charging more than one reservoirs.