India's Hydrocarbon Outlook – 2022-2023

62 DGH: 3 DECADES OF UNLOCKING INDIA'S HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL Andaman is a Category II basin, implying that the basin has sub-commercial discovered inplace. The basin has an area of 225,918 sq. km. with 18,074 sq. km. shallow water area and 207,844 sq. km. deepwater area. In the basin, 6 plays are identified within Eocene-to-Mid Miocene in East Andaman and Cretaceous-Tertiary in West Andaman. Andaman is an offshore basin, characterized primarily by siliciclastic shallow to deepwater sediments. Fore-arc has a significant gas discovery in Miocene, analogous to producing reservoirs of Myanmar and Indonesia gas fields. Gas hydrate has also been established in Fore-arc, pointing towards potential charging. Back-arc area has sediments with prominent entrapment structure. In a recent campaign (2021-22) by Government of India, 22,564 LKM broadband 2D seismic data were acquired in four sectors across west-to-east central area connecting data gaps in fore-arc and back- arc regions. Initial findings show interesting structures and seismic anomalies, which merit a sequence. Andaman basin is a compressional convergent plate margin basin, exhibiting integrated features of a subducting plate margin like Fore Arc, Accretionary Prism, Trench, Volcanic Arc and Back Arc. The basin hosts sediments, ranging from Paleocene to Recent. Two petroleum systems i.e., Neogene-Neogene hypothetical biogenic petroleum system and Paleogene-Paleogene speculative thermogenic petroleum system have been identified in the East Andaman basin. In the West Andaman basin, very low source rock maturity has been envisaged based on 2D and 1D petroleum system modeling studies. 12. ANDAMAN BASIN DGH Internal DGH Archive detail study. The basin is currently under active exploration stage. Commercial hydrocarbon occurrences are reported in Mid Miocene Play, geographically present in East Andaman part. Potential future gas discoveries are considered mainly within structural entrapment conditions. The hydrocarbon accumulations often indicate charging from deeper source