India's Hydrocarbon Outlook Report - 2023-2024

India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 117 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities Role of NDR in OALP/DSF Bid Rounds NDR is playing a pivotal role in the ongoing OALP & DSF rounds under HELP regime. It provides a gateway for operators/investors to carve out/select blocks/acreages of choice based on existing data, concessions, and nogo areas for putting up expression of interest/ bids. NDR constantly updates its portal with the latest data, E&P related information, active license areas, restricted areas and other cultural features. NDR is providing easy access of quality data to the investors thus helping them make robust evaluation of blocks/acreage for investment decision. NDR is not only preparing data packages for blocks offered under every round but also facilitating interested E&P investors with visualization of G&G projects in the physical data room where they can understand and interpret available data within The broad objectives of NDR are as follows: • Visit of Hon’ble Minister of State, P&NG, Shri Rameshwar Teli on 10.10.2023 • Visit of Hon’ble Secretary, P&NG, Shri Pankaj Jain, IAS on 08.04.2023 • Visit of a team of IAS trainee officers on 18.09.2023 • Visit of Indian Naval Officers to understand the coastline geography and bathymetry offered blocks. In addition, NDR is also open to its users/academia for online browsing as well as evaluation/viewing of E&P data of any basinal area in its physical data room. Important visits in NDR Visit of Hon’ble Minister of State, PNG, Shri Rameshwar Teli to NDR on 10th October 2023