India's Hydrocarbon Outlook Report - 2023-2024

India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 165 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities S.No. Block Operator Discovery Name Type of Discovery Offshore / Onland Basin Formation Notification of Discovery (NOD) 1 RJONHP-2017/1 Vedanta KW-2 UPDIP-1 Oil Discovery Onland Rajasthan Barmer Hill formation 16.12.2020 2 RJONHP-2017/2 Vedanta Durga-1 Oil Discovery Onland Rajasthan Lower Dharvi Dungar formation/ Eocene 21.02.2022 3 CBONHP-2017/2 Vedanta Jaya-1 Gas Discovery Onland Cambay Hazad/ Mid to late Eocene 23.08.2021 4 CBONHP-2017/7 Vedanta FB-1 Oil Discovery Onland Cambay Older Cambay Shale (OCS) Unit-2 30.05.2022 5 MBOSHP-2017/1 ONGC MBS171HAA-A Gas Discovery Offshore Mumbai Basin Panna/ Sandstone 06.12.2022 6 MBOSHP-2018/1 ONGC MBS181HCA-1 Oil Discovery Offshore Mumbai Basin Mahuva Sandstone 16.05.2023 7 MBOSHP-2018/2 ONGC MBS182HDA-1 Oil Discovery Offshore Mumbai Basin Bassein Limestone 09.05.2023 8 MNDWHP-2018/1 ONGC MDW-27/ UTKAL Gas Discovery Offshore Mahanadi Basin Pliocene 03.01.2024 9 MNDWHP-2018/1 ONGC MDW-26 Gas Discovery Offshore Mahanadi Basin Pliocene 15.01.2024 10 CBONHP-2021/2 ONGC West Amod#1 Oil Discovery Onland Cambay Hazad / Mid Eocene 07.03.2024 In FY 2023-24, A total of 1,404 LKM of 2D Seismic data and 6,873 Sq. km. of 3D Seismic data have been acquired and 32 wells have been drilled in different blocks of the OALP. Discoveries: - A total of 10 discoveries (6 oil + 4 gas) have been notified under OALP (2 in Rajasthan Basin, 3 in Cambay Basin, 3 in Mumbai Offshore Basin & 2 in Mahanadi Basin). In the FY 2023-24, Five (5) discoveries have been notified by operators. The details of discoveries are given below: Krishna Godavari 431 1514 1 Kutch 398 1358 Mahanadi 2305 3586 5 Mumbai Offshore 940 9248 10 Narmada 0 0 Rajasthan 10701 870 11 Satpura-South Rewa-Damodar 0 0 Saurashtra 476 1856 1 Vindhyan 1241 1453 4 Total 31467 33705 52 Table 6.17: Details of Discoveries notified in OALP rounds Basin 2D, LKM 3D, SKM Wells Drilled