India's Hydrocarbon Outlook Report - 2023-2024

India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 187 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities 3.3.2 NGHP Expeditions 1. NGHP Expedition 01 (2006): The first expedition was primarily an exploratory mission to identify gas hydrate occurrences. Under NGHP-01, 39 holes were drilled to explore the presence of gas hydrate at 21 sites in Krishna-Godavari (KG), Mahanadi, Andaman, and Kerala-Konkan Basin. Except for Kerala-Konkan, the presence of gas hydrate was established in all three basins, but such gas was proved to be non-exploitable with existing technologies. 2. NGHP Expedition 02 (2015): This phase focused on delineating gas hydrate deposits in the Krishna-Godavari Basinandassessing their potential for future production. Advanced drilling techniques and sophisticated logging tools were used to gather detailed data on the hydratebearing sediments. 42 holes were drilled at 25 sites in KG and Mahanadi Basin. Sand reservoirs with gas hydrate were located at two places in KG Basin and the considered to be prospective for future production testing. 3.3.3 Future opportunity 1. As per 3rd Advisory Committee deliberation during 7-8th November 2019, NGHP-03 Expedition is proposed to focus on the identification and characterization of specific candidate test sites in and around the discovered gas hydrate accumulations at Sites NGHP-02-16/17/20/23 (Area-B) and Sites NGHP-02-8/9 (Area-C). In absence of new information about the occurrence of significant sand-hosted gas hydrate reservoirs in other potential regions, the committee recommended focusing on only the known Area B and Area C gas hydrate accumulations. 2. NGHP-03 is proposed to have 3 phases. Phase 1 would deal with the detail planning effort in support of the gas hydrate field test. Phase 2 (NGHP-03A includes LWD and coring operations and Phase 3(NGHP-03B) would be production test which can be 6090 days duration (long depressurization). 3. The time gap between the two expeditions would be 10-12 months, required to integrate the results of the NGHP-03A Expedition into the design of the NGHP03B production test. Time between the two expeditions would also be needed to deal with the purchase and construction of “long-lead” deliverables required for the production test well completion. 4. As a part of U.S.-India Strategic CleanEnergy Partnership (SCEP), methane hydrate has been included as a specific agenda of actionable area and on 14.06.2023, one such meeting was held between U.S. and India teams to discuss on currents advances in gas hydrate research in India and USA. 5. DGH has constituted a Task Force for periodical monitoring of NGHP-mandated activities including committee level deliberations focussing on global gas hydrate research. 6. DGH is presently in process to get updates of the ongoing projects including new proposed projects by NGHP members and various IITs like IIT-Madras, IIT-Kanpur, IIT-Bombay & IIT-Delhi. As the next step forward, the 38th Technical Committee Meeting, followed by 4th Advisory Committee meeting will be scheduled for due deliberation as a part of future plans under NGHP.