India's Hydrocarbon Outlook Report - 2023-2024

India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 190 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities 8.1 Environment Clearance: 8.1.1 Year 2019: May 2019: Streamlining Grant of Approvals for Oil Exploration: A Committee headed by the Vice-chairman, NITI Aayog and comprising of Cabinet Secretary, Chief Executive Officer, NITI Aayog, Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs and Chairman & Managing Director of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation was constituted in October, 2018 for suggesting reforms in Exploration & Production (E&P) Sector to enhance domestic Oil & Gas Exploration and Production. The Committee, in its report inter-alia recommended constitution of an Empowered Coordination Committee (ECC) under the chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary for streamlining and expediting grant of approval/ clearances. Empowered Coordination Committee (ECC) was constituted in May, 2019 under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary, for considering matters relating to delay in granting various clearances, approvals etc. Till date, 07 ECC meetings have been conducted. Pursuant to the ECC meetings, following steps have been taken: I. PetroleumExploration Licenses (PELs) have been granted in all Blocks awarded under Open Acreage Licensing Policy Round-I in the states of Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat & someblocks of Arunachal Pradesh, II. Petroleum Mining Leases have been granted for many Discovered Small Fields and Nomination blocks in Assam, Tripura, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh, III. EC/FC/WLC/CRZ have been granted in the State of Assam, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Andhra etc. IV. Notification of Eco Sensitive Zone (ESZ) has already been issued around 16 protected areas. V. Various policy issues related to environment have been resolved, some major ones are as follow: a. Providing for composite clearance (Category A) for Exploration, Development and Production under Schedule to EIA notification April 2022 b. Exemption of exploratory drilling from purview of EIA notification, 2006 as per notification 16.01.2020. c. Non-requirement of Forest Clearance for PEL/PML grant as per FC rules 2022 d. Creation of a distinct category for FC Approval in PARIVESH 2.0. along with a Separate form e. Exemption from FC Act for underground oil and gas operations in forest area, by drilling from outside forest through Directional Drilling by MoEFCC OM dated 12.09.2023 8.1.2 Year 2020 January 2020: Exemption of exploratory drilling from purview of EIA Notification, 2006: MoEF&CC vide notification dated 16th January, 2020 categorized onshore and offshore oil and gas exploration activities as B2 category for seeking priority Environment Clearance (EC). From the perspective of the upstream O&G industry, the exemption of B2 projects from conducting EIA studies and holding Public Hearings has been a significant development in overcoming roadblocks. Additionally, the Scoping stage (ToR) is not required for B2 projects, further simplifying the process. March 2020: Permission for Use of Secondary Data for EIA studies The matter was discussed in the ECC meetings under chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary. EIA notification is applicable up to 12 NM and MoEF&CC has taken a view that projects located in offshore areas beyond 12 NM are not covered