India's Hydrocarbon Outlook Report - 2023-2024

India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 198 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities Forest Clearance, and Wildlife Clearance. Delays in obtaining these approvals can postpone the initiation of on-site activities. These delays in licenses and clearances have been the primary bottleneck in oil and gas E&P projects across the country, hindering the early monetization of these projects. To streamline the clearance processes and facilitate faster monetization of blocks and fields, the creation of a handbook compiling environmentally relevant clearance procedures and guidelines was deemed necessary. To assist and guide E&P operators, a study was proposed to identify the probable causes of inordinate delays in obtaining environment-related clearances. Consequently, the Assam Science Technology & Environment Council (ASTEC) has prepared a compiled and comprehensive handbook for the benefit of E&P operators. September 2023: Preparation of a documentary film on environment-related impacts due to upstreamOil & Gas Exploration and Production activities There are numerous myths associated with the oil and gas sector, with local communities often comparing Exploration and Production (E&P) activities to conventional mining operations. However, these activities are distinct in their operations. To address these misconceptions, the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) has prepared a documentary exploring the environmental aspects of Oil Exploration and Production (E&P) in India. The documentary aims to dispel myths related to each stage of petroleum operations by emphasizing responsible practices and adherence to regulations. It highlights the positive socio-economic impacts of E&P, such as health programs, skill development initiatives, and environmental conservation efforts. This documentary serves to educate and raise awareness about the industry’s commitment to sustainability and its contributions to local communities and the environment. Documentary link: assets/downloads/MythsVS_Reality.mp4 September 2023: Impact of extreme events and Climate Change on E&P activities in the Offshore area” by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)- National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa. This project is focused mainly on the study of the vulnerability of coastal & offshore oil & gas infrastructure. This project also includes the preparation of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), which is essential for the facilitation of operators, considering climate change effects to evaluate the risk on time and provide early warnings to adapt or prevent the unforeseen impacts on the oil & gas industry. Report is in progress. November 2023: Non-applicability of Forest (Conservation)Act, 1980 to Extended Reach Drilling (ERD) locations ERD, a directional drilling technique for long horizontal wells, enhances production by covering a larger area from a single site and extending well distance in a reservoir. Since 2020, DGH has advocated to MoEF&CC that ERD, a globally adopted and safe technology, should not be subject to FCA, 1980, as it does not divert actual forestland. After extensive meetings and discussions with DGH and other experts, MoEF&CC agreed on 12.09.2023, through its office memorandum subject to certain conditions. This office memorandum acknowledges the safety and efficiency of ERD while ensuring compliance with environmental safeguards, thus facilitating its use without compromising forest conservation. i. The station for ERD will be setup outside the forest area at a minimum distance of 500 meters and which should be at least