India's Hydrocarbon Outlook Report - 2023-2024

India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 20 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities 1.3. Acreages under various Regimes PetroleumExploration Licenses (PEL) for domestic exploration & production of crude oil and natural gas were/are being granted under various regimes. 1.3.1 Nomination Basis Till the end of 1970s, Indian E&P industry was dominated by the two National Oil Companies (NOCs) ONGC and OIL to whom PELs were granted on nomination basis. Exploration was primarily confined to onland and shallow offshore areas. 1.3.2 Production Sharing Contracts a. Pre-NELP Exploration Blocks 28 Exploration blocks were awarded to private companies between 1980 and prior to implementation of NELP where ONGC and OIL had the rights for participation in the blocks after hydrocarbon discoveries. Pre-NELP Exploration Blocks Bidding Rounds (28 Blocks) Pre-NELP Discovered Field Rounds (28 Blocks) New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) Bidding Rounds (254 Blocks) NOMINATION BASIS PRODUCTION SHARING CONTRACTS REVENUE SHARING CONTRACTS 1947-1990 1990-2010 2016onwards