India's Hydrocarbon Outlook Report - 2023-2024

India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 200 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities Many myths surround the oil and gas sector, with local communities often likening E&P activities to conventional mining. To debunk such myths, the DGH produced a documentary highlighting the environmental aspects of Oil Exploration and Production (E&P) in India. As a result of active coordination by DGH, approximately 33 PEL/PML have been resolved in Gujarat. In Andhra Pradesh, the state government issued 10 PML in 2023. HIGHLIGHTS from Environment and Lease & License division If the E&P operations involve diversion of forest land, the FC under FCA, 1980 is required. FC Rules have been renotified on 29.11.2023 to give special considerations to the E&P industry Exemption from Van (Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan) Adhiniyam, 1980 for underground oil and gas operations in forest area, by drilling from outside forest boundary through Extended Reach Drilling/ Horizontal Directional Drilling.