India's Hydrocarbon Outlook Report - 2023-2024

India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 47 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities The geologically contiguous Kutch and Saurashtra basins are separated by the Saurashtra Arch in the offshore part. The Mesozoic sediments ranging in age from Middle Jurassic to Cretaceous are exposed in the mainland Kutch and encountered in the wells drilled in offshore. The Cenozoic strata are also exposed in the southwestern part of Kutch mainland and encountered in the offshore wells. The basin has significant opportunity to consolidate discovered resources of Tertiary Plays. Being analogous to Saurashtra Basin, opportunity also lies for exploring Mesozoic Plays. Exploration in the basin started in the early 1960’s with the first offshore seismic survey conducted during 1964-65. Stratigraphically, the northern limit of Kutch outcrops is continued beyond Indo-Pakistan border. In the offshore of Kutch and further south, the basin is contiguous with Saurashtra offshore basin. Middle Miocene and Early Eocene are the main plays and additional hydrocarbons are established in Paleocene, Late Cretaceous, and Early Cretaceous in the basin. All the hydrocarbon accumulations are related to mild inversion tectonics involving Mesozoic and Tertiary sections. Improved sub-basalt imaging is a major push towards assessment of Mesozoic sequences. Basin area is under revision to 69,986 sq km, subject to a detailed review during the next hydrocarbon resource assessment study. Petroleum system modeling suggests that Jhuran (HI: 203-245 mg HC/g TOC) and Jumara (HI: 76-195 mg HC/g TOC) have fair to good potential to produce hydrocarbon while Bhuj Formation is having best hydrocarbon generation potential (HI: 196-264 mg HC/g TOC). 2D modelling suggests that the source rock maturity of Cretaceous is poor and remains immature in onland. It is inferred that the hydrocarbon generation capacity of Jurassic source rocks is higher than the Cretaceous source rocks in onland. Acquisition of close grid 2D data followed by detailed 3D campaign could add to better mapping and understanding of entrapment model and accumulation pattern. In the basin, 17 plays are identified within Middle Jurassic-to-Cretaceous in Onland and Middle Jurassic-to-Trap-to-Middle Miocene in Offshore. Petroleum systemwas modelled in 3D where datasets were adequate and Aerial Yield method was used where data were limited. Onland sub-basin has a total hydrocarbon in-place of 39 MMTOE and this is entirely undiscovered risked inplace. The basin has 100% of total inplace, potential to be explored and discovered. Offshore sub-basin has a total hydrocarbon inplace of 457 MMTOE. This includes discovered in-place of 60 MMTOE and undiscovered risked in-place of 397 MMTOE. The discovered in-place is subject to commercial development. The basin has 86.9% of total inplace, potential to be explored and discovered. Source: DGH Internal Hydrocarbon prospectivity and Basin maturity: