India's Hydrocarbon Outlook Report - 2023-2024

India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 66 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities Barmer sub-basin is situated in the western region of Indian peninsula and the most prominent among the three sub-basins of Rajasthan basin. The sub-basin accounts for one-fouth of oil production of the country. Commercial hydrocarbon occurrences, besides Deccan Trap and Basement, are found in different stratigraphic intervals ranging from the oldest sediments of Cretaceous (GhaggarHakra) to the youngest sediments of Paleocene and Eocene (Barmer Hill, Fatehgarh, Thumbli). Several oil and gas fields have been discovered within structural, stratigraphic and stratistructural entrapment conditions, out of which majority of the discoveries are encountered in Tertiary sediments. Multiple souce rocks are evident with instances of same play acting as source and reservoirs. Fatehgarh and Barmer Hill of Paleocene are major producing sequences of the subbasin. The Jaisalmer sub-basin is mainly a Mesozoic rift basin set up during Permo-Triassic period. The Bikaner-Nagaur is a shallow Proterozoic sub-basin with a Pre-Cambrian basement comprised of the Malani igneous suite and Delhi metamorphites. The sub-basin is a part of Punjab platform of Indus basin, having a general dip towards west and sedimentary units thickening towards northwest. Permo-Triassic & Jurassic plays in Jaisalmer and Cretaceous (Ghaggar-Hakra) plays in Barmer are potential exploration targets. 7 plays are identified within Basement, Cretaceous, Volcanics, Paleocene-Eocene in Barmer sub-basin. 9 plays are known within Jurassic- Cretaceous, Paleocene-Eocene in Jaisalmer sub-basin. 3 plays are located within Pre-Cambrian in Bikaner- Nagaur sub-basin. Petroleum system was modelled in 3D basis adequate datasets. Barmer sub-basin has a total hydrocarbon inplace of 1,680 MMTOE. This includes discovered in-place of 828 MMTOE and undiscovered risked in-place of 852 MMTOE. The discovered in-place is under commercial production. The basin has 50.7% of total inplace, potential to be explored and discovered. Jaisalmer sub-basin has a total hydrocarbon inplace of 307 MMTOE. This includes discovered in-place of 94 MMTOE and undiscovered risked in-place of 213 MMTOE. The discovered in-place is under commercial production. The basin has 69.4% of total inplace, potential to be explored and discovered. Hydrocarbon prospectivity and Basin maturity: Bikaner-Nagaur sub-basin has a total hydrocarbon in- place of 190 MMTOE. This includes discovered in- place of 15 MMTOE and undiscovered risked in-place of 175 MMTOE. The discovered in-place is under commercial production. The basin has 92.1% of total inplace, potential to be explored and discovered. Discoveries and Development: 6 field development plans were reviewed during the year under Pre-NELP(5) and DSF(1) regime in Onland. Source: DGH Internal