India's Hydrocarbon Outlook Report - 2023-2024

India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 69 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities In the basin, 7 plays are identified within Eocene-to- Pliocene. Petroleum system was modelled in 3D where datasets were adequate and Aerial Yield method was used where data were limited. Assam-Arakan Fold Belt (AAFB) basin has a total hydrocarbon in-place of 1,176 MMTOE. This includes discovered in-place of 176 MMTOE and undiscovered risked in-place of 1,000 MMTOE. The discovered in-place is under commercial production. The basin has 85% of total inplace, potential to be explored and discovered. Hydrocarbon prospectivity and Basin maturity: Source: DGH Internal Overview of producing fields: Commercial production commenced in 1985. Major producing fields with cumulative production in parenthesis are namely Agartala Dome (9 BCM), Konaban(7 BCM), Baramura(2.4 BCM), Sundulbari(1 BCM). The basin has 13 fields with 171 wells. The maximum flow rate achieved by any field on record in 2023-24 is Gas 1 MMSCMD. Basin datasets, studies and opportunities: As of 31.03.2024, NDR has archived data of 32,025 LKM 2D seismic, 20,523 SKM 3D seismic and 456 wells. Under various campaigns by GoI, geophysical data were acquired in onland area. Under National Seismic Programme (NSP), 2,085 LKM 2D seismic data were acquired. Under Airborne Gravity- Gradiometry(AGG) survey, 26,997 FLKM data were acquired in inaccessible and operationally challenging areas where seismic survey under NSP couldnot be conducted. Basin appraisal and active acreage: Location Basin area(skm) Appraised(skm) Active area (skm) across regime Onland 80,825 30,176 (37%) Nomination: 5,569 Fields: 87 NELP: 10,321 OALP: 6,983 DSF: 640 The basin occupies an area of 80,825 sq km. It has been appraised to the extent of 30,176 sq km. (37%). The active area under operation across regime(s) stands at 23,600 sq. km. Source: DGH Internal