India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 72 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities Basin datasets, studies and opportunities: As of 31.03.2024, NDR has archived data of 153,134 LKM 2D seismic, 49,689 SKM 3D seismic and 9,249 wells. Under various campaigns by GoI, geophysical data were acquired in onland area. Under National Seismic Programme (NSP), 1,469 LKM 2D seismic data were acquired. Source: DGH Internal Basin appraisal and active acreage: Current Bidding Opportunities: Location Basin area(skm) Appraised(skm) Active area (skm) across regime Onland 48,882 44,374 (91%) Nomination: 6,008 Fields: 864 NELP: 2,290 OALP: 9,803 DSF: 391 Shallow water 4,618 4,618 (100%) Nomination: 69 Fields: 16 NELP: 4 OALP: 1,798 DSF: 424 Onland: 5 OALP blocks with 2,339 sq km area Shallow water 2 OALP blocks with 2,350 sq km area The basin occupies an area of 53,500 sq km. It has been appraised to the extent of 48,992 sq km. (92%). The active area under operation across regime(s) stands at 21,667 sq. km.