India's Hydrocarbon Outlook Report - 2023-2024

India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 85 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities The basin has close analogy with Vindhyan Basin. The expected major source rock is the black shales that show evidence of good organic matter, along with intercalated shale-limestone of the Chhattisgarh basin that were deposited in basin slope to platform environment. The fractured and arenaceous Bhalukona Formation is expected to be reservoir rocks deposited in shallow marine environment. In the basin, 1 play is known in Pre-Cambrian. 2,500m of sedimentary thickness was envisaged in the basin. Aerial Yield approach has been used on analogy of Vindhyan Basin. Hydrocarbon prospectivity and Basin maturity: Basin datasets, studies and opportunities: As of 31.03.2024, NDR has archived data of 3,330 LKM 2D seismic. Under various campaigns by GoI, geophysical data were acquired in onland area. Under National Seismic Programme (NSP), 1,778 LKM 2D seismic data were acquired. In another initiative, titled Mission Anveshan 1,150 LKM 2D seismic are planned as an in-fill data acquisition campaign of NSP. Source: DGH Internal Chhattisgarh basin has a total hydrocarbon in-place of 25 MMTOE and this is entirely undiscovered risked in- place. Basin appraisal and active acreage: Location Basin area (skm) Appraised (skm) Active area (skm) across regime Onland 32,000 32,000 (100%) No active acreage The basin occupies an area of 32,000 sq km. It has been appraised to the extent of 32,000 sq km. (100%)