India's Hydrocarbon Outlook Report - 2023-2024

India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2024 95 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities Basin datasets, studies and opportunities: As of 31.03.2024, NDR has archived data of 2 wells. Under various campaigns by GoI, geophysical data were acquired in onland area. Under Air-borne Gravity-Gradiometry(AGG) survey, 1,817 FLKM data were acquired in inaccessible and operationally challenging areas where seismic survey under NSP couldnot be conducted. Source: DGH Internal Location Basin area (skm) Appraised (skm) Active area (skm) across regime Onland 6,671 555 (8%) No active acreage The basin occupies an area of 6,671 sq km. It has been appraised to the extent of 555 sq km. (8%) Current Bidding Opportunities: Onland 1 OALP block with 284 sq km area