Webinar on Increased Focus on Play Based Exploration : The Road towards a Holistic Perception of Indian Hydrocarbon Prospectivity on 3rd June, 2021 | हाइड्रोकार्बन महानिदेशालय (डीजीएच)


  • मुख्य पृष्ठ
  • Webinar on Increased Focus on Play Based Exploration : The Road towards a Holistic Perception of Indian Hydrocarbon Prospectivity on 3rd June, 2021

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A webinar on “Increased Focus on Play Based Exploration : The Road towards a Holistic Perception of Indian Hydrocarbon Prospectivity” is being organized by DGH.

The objective of this webinar is to have a discussion on the Play Based Exploration, being a fundamental concept in our analysis of sedimentary basins, all to escalate our inclusive efforts to increase the chance of finding hydrocarbons. A number of Indian and International experts, domain and industry specialists will speak on topics ranging from Play concepts, Industry best practices, Play assessment and risking to Challenges & opportunities of Indian basins, to Exploration strategy & Policy framework.

DGH invites all E&P Companies operating in India, Industry Experts and Academia to be part of this webinar and participate in this important technical discourse. You may participate by logging in with the link below: