Historically Oil India Limited (OIL) and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) are the two major National Oil Companies(NOC) in India who were given exploration blocks on nomination basis during nomination period of India's E&P regime. DGH discharges the following activities with regard to monitoring of Nomination Blocks and NOCs.
Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) and Mining Lease (ML) Monitoring of Nomination Blocks:
The PEL/ML group in DGH maintains the records,monitors and reviews the progress of all nomination PEL blocks, pertaining to National Oil Companies (NOC) i.e. ONGC & OIL. Request of time extension or conversion of whole or part area of these PELs is evaluated by the group on the basis of administrative and G&G data submitted by the NOCs and recommendations are forwarded to MoP&NG, as per merit of the case within provisions under P&NG Rules.
The group is also keeping records of nomination PML blocks of NOCs. Request of grant and regrant of these PMLs are also evaluated by the group and recommendations are forwarded to MoP&NG, as per merit of the case within provisions under P&NG Rules.
The group evaluates the data of discoveries within nomination blocks, submitted by NOCs and keep the record of discoveries.