Petrophysics /Logging Group is involved in independent analysis of wells in different blocks under NELP, PRE-NELP, Producing Fields and nomination acreages with National Oil Companies. The broad activities of the group are as follows:
- Petrophysical evaluation of well logs for validation / estimation of pay thickness, porosity, saturation, identification of fluid contacts and fluid types for evaluation of Discovery, Declaration of Commerciality (DOC), Field Development Plan (FDP) and Revised FDP etc.
- Integration of Hi-Tech suites of logs for qualitative analysis and appraisal.
- Petrophysical evaluation of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources (Coal Bed Methane, Shale gas, Gas Hydrate etc.).
- Evaluation of cased hole log suites for reservoir monitoring.
- Petrophysical recommendation to operators/contractors for midcourse correction during exploration/ field development.
- Data services towards integration of petrophysical data for physical / virtual data rooms.
- QC & Archival of log data for all the wells, drilled in NELP/Pre NELP blocks and producing fields in the form of digital & paper-print for future applications, in safe custody.
- Technical examination of all EC applications pertaining to logging / petrophysics viz. well logging / core equipments, explosives and radioactive sources etc.
- Examination of Work Programme & Budget and Audited Accounts.
- Verification of Minimum Work Programme (MWP) commitments in line with Well Logging.