Production department of DGH is entrusted primarily to monitor and analyse the production performance, validating the productions of producing fields/ blocks, as well as evaluation of FDPs and all other associated activities.
Major functions performed by production department are as under:-
- Compilation of field/ block wise RE, BE Production targets and Reserves estimates.
- Compilation of long term oil and gas production profile.
- Monitoring and performance analysis of production data of all the producing fields/blocks and reporting to MoP&NG on weekly and monthly basis.
- Review of Field Development Plan of new discoveries & redevelopment plan for existing oil & gas fields, w.r.t production related aspects.
- Technical verification of work over, well completion, well stimulation, steering plans submitted by the operator.
- Review of work programme and budget related to production operations.
- Witness production testing of new wells.
- Validation of Measurement of Petroleum in producing fields/ PSC Blocks.
- Preparation of inputs material related to production for Parliament Questions & various Parliament Committees such as Standing Committee,Consultative Committee, and COPU etc.
- Input material for Annual report of MOP&NG.
- Input material for OIDB’s Annual report relating to DGH.
- Providing production related Data to MoP&NG and PPAC