सूचनाएँ/प्रमुख आलेख | हाइड्रोकार्बन महानिदेशालय (डीजीएच)
Summary of Bids received against OALP Bid Round-IX(Part-I)
General advisory for the upstream E&P industry towards the necessity of prior statutory clearances
- FDPs received in blocks of OALP I Bid Round
Consolidated Guidelines and Clarifications issued under Van (Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan) Adhiniyam, 1980 and Van (Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan) Rules, 2023
A documentary film covering the upstream oil & gas sector related environmental myths v/s reality, an initiative by Environment & Clearance Department, DGH.
Applicability of maintenance of safety zone in respect of O&G Proposals and PMLs
Extended Reach Drilling (ERD) Technology and the applicability of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
OALP Bid Round-VIII (Part-I Bid Opening) - Summary of Bids received against offered blocks
Erratum : India’s Hydrocarbon Outlook 2022-23- Map Details in Page No-117
Engagement of associates and consultants on contract basis
Clarification for OALP Bid Round-VIII
Corrigendum for Mega Offshore Bid Round – IX
The NDR website, ndrdghindia.gov.in, will be temporarily unavailable on Saturday, June 10, 2023, from 06:00 Hrs IST to 18:00 Hrs IST due to maintenance work being conducted by OIDB.
Flipbook Version of India Hydrocarbon Outlook 2022-23 is now available at DGH website. Click here to view.
Corrigendum No. 2 for OALP Bid Round-VIII
The timeline for bid submission for OALP Bid Round-VIII has been further extended upto 1200 hrs IST on 5th July, 2023
Bid submission for Special CBM Bid Round-2022 has been extended to 30th June, 2023
SCBM-2022: Replies to the queries raised during Pre-bid Conference held on 18-04-2022
List of Selected candidates for Hydrocarbons Professional (Interview held on 04.04.2023)
Engagement of Consultants, Advisors and Dy director (Coordination)- The position for Advisor (Reservoir) has been closed, however, last date of receipt of applications for other positions have been extended up to 14.05.2023
The timeline for bid submission for OALP Bid Round-VIII has been further extended upto 1200 hrs IST on 16th May, 2023
MoEFCC guidelines on the "Accredited Compensatory Afforestation"
Engagement of Consultants/Associates at DGH: Last date of receipt of applications extended Upto 24th March 2023 (Friday)
Engagement of Management (Apprentices) in DGH
Bid Submission for OALP Bid Round-VIII has been extended up to 1200 hrs IST on 30th March, 2023
Engagement of Additional Director General (Exploration) and Additional Director General (Development) at DGH. Last date of application is 20th February, 2023
Job notification for Hydrocarbons Professional to work in North East Hydrocarbon Coordination Cell (NEHCC).
Procedure for clearance of permissible activities as per the CRZ Notification/ICRZ Notification 2019- regarding
Processing of proposals, in PARIVESH 1.0 for want of availability of complete end-to-end functionality of FC module in PARIVESH 2.0 as per the Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2022
Format for Application Fee under Open Acreage Licensing Programme
Bid submission for OALP Bid Round-VIII has been extended up to 1200 hrs IST on 30th December, 2022
Corrigendum for OALP Bid Round-VIII
Presentation of the Forest Clearance Workshop held on 13.09.2022 at India Habitat Centre on Process of Approval under the Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2022 notified on 28.06.2022
Engagement of Deputy Director General (Environment & Clearances) at DGH
The NO GO areas in the East Coast, West Coast and Andaman Basin have been released for Exploration
Blocks on offer OALP Bid Round-VIII
OALP Bid Round-VIII under HELP launched on 07th July, 2022
Draft 2030 Roadmap for Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) for Upstream E&P Companies
OALP Bid Round-VII - Revenue Sharing Contracts for eight blocks executed on 28.06.2022
Response to Pre-Bid Queries (Part-III), dated 11.05.2022 for DSF Bid Round-III
Engagement of Data Scientist and Data Analyst on contract basis at DGH
OALP Bid Round-VI list of awardees
Notice for Expression of Interest for the service to develop Safety protocols and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for carrying out Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production operations in the Exclusive Economic Zone of India
Engagement of Hindi Consultant at DGH on Contract Basis
Bid submission for Special CBM Bid Round-2021 will end on 31st May, 2022
Amendments to NIO and MRSC for DSF Bid Riound-III
Amendment in Special CBM Bid Round-2021 NIO and MRSC
Bid submission for DSF Bid Round-III will start on 20th April, 2022 and end on 31st May, 2022
Guidelines for data submission to NDR in hard disk dated 21st March, 2022
Part-I Bid Opening of OALP-VII
Bid submission date for Special CBM Bid Round-2021 will be announced soon.
Vacancies for Deputation posting in DGH. Last Date of Submission been extended upto 28th February 2022 (Monday).
E-submission guidelines for OALP Bid Round-VII
Vide Notification No. 02/2022- Customs dated 1st February 2022, the requirement of producing a certificate from Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) for imported goods required for Petroleum Operations has been removed with immediate effect. A copy of the Notification is attached for further
Bid closing date for OALP-VII is 15th February, 2022
Bid submission for DSF Bid Round-III will start on 01st March, 2022 and end on 15th April, 2022
Applicability of revised rates of NPV for all FC proposals
Revision of Rates of Net Present Value (in lieu of diversion of forest land)
Guidance Document for online submission of PSC processes as per DGH notifications dated 25.04.2020 and 12.07.2021 (Version 2.0)
Vacancies for deputation posting in DGH. Last date of submission 7th February 2022(Monday)
Bid submission for DSF Bid Round-III will start on 01st February, 2022 and end on 15th March, 2022
OALP Bid Round-VII under HELP launched on 16th December, 2021 1900 Hrs IST
- Prebid conference for Special CBM Bid Round 2021 has been postponed New date will be announced shortly
Extension of transition period upto 30.11.2021 | Self-Certification
Vacancies for deputation posting in DGH. Last date of submission has been extended upto 30th November, 2021 (Tuesday)
Engagement of Apprentices in Legal Department Under Apprentices Act, 1961-reg
OALP-VI Part-I Bid Opening Result
Dataroom booking is now available for Special CBM Bid Round-2021
Last date for submission of Bid(s) for OALP Bid Round-VI is October 6, 2021
Engagement of Customs officer on contract/deputation at DGH
Guidelines for e-submission of Hard Copy Documents under OALP Bid Round-VI
Bid submission timeline of DSF-III extended till 31st January, 2022
Special CBM Bid Round-2021 launched on 22nd September, 2021
Extension of transition phase for simplification and standardization of procedures and processes under Production Sharing Contract of Pre-NELP/NELP Blocks
Corrigendum to OALP Bid Round-VI NIO and MRSC
Gazette notification dated 26th August, 2021 w.r.t. Amendment of Guidelines on Site Restoration and Abandonment Offshore and Onshore Oil and Gas Production Sites
Response to Pre-Bid Queries (Part-II), dated 31.08.2021 for DSF Bid Round-III
Guidance Document for online submission of PSC processes as per DGH notifications dated 25.04.2020 and 12.07.2021
Bid submission for DSF Bid Round-III will start on 01st October, 2021 and end on 29th October, 2021
OALP Bid Round-VI under HELP launched on 06th August, 2021
DSF Bid Round-III bidding date has been postponed. New Date will be intimated shortly.
Response to Pre-Bid Queries (Part I), dated 27.07.2021 for DSF Bid Round-III
Further simplification and standardization of procedures and processes under Production Sharing Contract of Pre-NELP/NELP Blocks
- Public Consultation on the draft Oilfields (Regulation and Development) Amendment Bill, 2021
- Modified MRSC for OALP Rounds for Investor's Feedback/Comments
Registration of complaints by Project Proponents through MoEFCC's PARIVESH portal only : MoEFCC OM dated 28.04.2021
Streamlining the processes of granting Environmental Clearances wrt Essential Details Sought (EDS) : MoEFCC OM dated 15.03.2021
Reporting of hydrocarbon reserves and resources as per PRMS standard
Application for seeking prior environmental clearance for the projects / activities given in the schedule of ETA Notification, 2006
MoEF&CC Gazette Notification on Validity of Prior Environmental Clearances in the wake of Covid-19 dated 18.01.2021
MoEFCC Office Memorandum dated 18th Nov, 2020 for streamlining of Environmental Clearance (EC) process
DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Gazette dated 16.12.2019
DISPUTE RESOULUTION :Gazette dated 28.02.2019 / 06.03.2019
User guide do Online payments at NTRP
User guide to do OffLine (NEFT/RTGS) based payments at NTRP
Details of Blocks Awarded under OALP Bid Round-V
India-Russia Investors Meet held on 09th October, 2020
Requirement of Indian Forest Service officers for deputation to DGH
Latest OALP Brochures
Guidelines for e-submission of Hard copy documents under EoI portal
- Global Notice Inviting Tender by OIL for Hiring of Services for 2D Broadband seismic data Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation of 15,000 LKM in Andaman Deep Waters with provision for +/- 10% Quantity Tolerance.
OALP V Part-I Bid Opening Results
- Webinar on Health, Safety and Environment for DSF Operators organised by DGH on 25.06.2020
Guidelines for Early Monetization of Hydrocarbon discoveries under Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) and Revenue Sharing Contracts (RSCs)
Online demo and interaction programme for bidders on e-bidding portal can be booked through OALP Portal
E-submission of Hard Copy Documents under OALP-V
OALP-V Bid submission closing date extended to 30th June, 2020
Simplification of procedures and processes under Production Sharing Contract of Pre-NELP/NELP Blocks
- Comprehensive draft EIA notification 2020
In view of the lockdown due to Covid-19 the EOI cycle for Round VI (ending March 31, 2020) and Round VII (ending July 31, 2020) shall stand merged. Bidding round would be launched based on EOIs received till July 31, 2020.
Modalities for making CTE and EC a one step Process
- Govt of India categorizes onshore and offshore oil and gas exploration activities as Category B2 for green clearance
Press Release: Launch of OALP Bid Round-V
OALP Bid Round-V launched on 14th January, 2020
Press Release: OALP Bid Round-IV Contract Signing
Press Release: Government opens Bids for OALP Bid Round-IV
Extension of deadline for submission of ER Screening Report(s) by six (6) months in accordance with the Enhanced Recovery (ER) Policy notified on 10.10.2018
Guidelines Specific to Hydrocarbon Sector for undertaking Seismic Surveys and Exploratory drilling in Forest Areas
OALP Bid Round – IV Launched on 27th August, 2019
Press Release: Launch of OALP Round-IV
Clarification regarding treatment of Farm-in expenditure incurred by the Oil Exploration and Production(E&P) Companies
Procedure for consideration of development projects located within 10 km of National Park / Wildlife Sanctuary seeking environmental clearance
Increase of EoI submission cycle from two to three per Year
- Guidelines for assessment of Extra Days in excess of Approval Period as per Clause 14.5 of Revenue Sharing Contracts (RSCs) and the Modalities for the Extension of Development Period for the Contract Areas awarded under Discovered Small Field Bid Rounds
- Guidelines for evaluation of cases under various Policy frameworks
List of Awardees of OALP Round -III
List of Awardees of OALP Round -II
5th International Yoga Day celebration at DGH on 21st June 2019
Special consideration of compensatory afforestation in forest rich states
Fourth window of EoI submission for OALP will close on 15th May, 2019. Fifth window of EoI submission for OALP will start on 16th May, 2019 and will end on 15th November, 2019.
Parameters of new Policy Reforms published vide Resolution dated 28/02/2019 shall apply from OALP-IV onwards only
Bid submission closing date for OALP Bid Round II & III stands extended upto 15th May, 2019
Gazette notification on Exploration and Licensing Policy for Enhancing Domestic Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas
Extension of Bid Submission Date for OALP II
Press Release : Contracts signed for 23 contract areas under Discovered Small Fields Bid Round-II
Press Release : Award of 23 contract areas under DSF-II
Exploration and Licensing Policy for Enhancing Domestic Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas
Government Drives Big Bang Reforms in Oil & Gas Sector
Cabinet approves Reforms in Exploration and Licensing Policy for enhancing domestic exploration and production of oil and gas
India's Hydrocarbon Outlook 2017-18
List of E-Bids received for DSF Bid Round-II
Notification on Policy Framework to promote and incentivise Enhanced Recovery methods for Oil & Gas
Amendments in Model Revenue Sharing Contract (MRSC) of DSF Bid Round-II
- Extension of Bid Submission timeline of DSF Bid Round II till 30th January 2019
Press Release : Launch of NIO and MRSC of OALP Bid Round-II
Launch Event for Open Acreage Licensing Policy Bid Round-II on 7th January, 2019 at New Delhi
Guidelines for stipulating the norms for survey and investigation (Prospecting of ores) on forest land –reg.
- Extension of Bid Submission timeline of DSF Bid Round II till 18th January 2019
Operators' Interaction Portal for pending issues
Reports of Re-assessment of Hydrocarbon Resources for 26 Sedimentary Basins & Deep Water Areas of India – 2017 and National Seismic Programme (NSP) - 2D Seismic data of Mahanadi & Rajasthan Basins are available for sale through NDR. Click here to check NDR price list for ordering.
Policy Framework to promote and incentivise enhanced recovery methods for Oil and Gas
- Cabinet approves Policy Framework to Promote and Incentivize Enhanced Recovery Methods for Oil and Gas
- Guidelines for exit from block under the policy framework dated 10.11.2014 for PSC regime, Policy framework dated 11.04.2017 for CBM and excusable delay cases under Policy dated 18.04.2006
List of Awardees under OALP Bid Round –I
Format for Drilling DPR submission
Policy Framework for Streamlining the working of Production Sharing Contracts in respect of Pre-NELP and NELP Blocks
- PARIVESH portal has been launched on 10 August 2018 by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on World Biofuels Day in Delhi
Cabinet approves Policy Framework for exploration and exploitation of Unconventional Hydrocarbons
Amendment in Petroleum and Natural Gas Rules, 1959
Cabinet approves Policy framework for streamlining the working of Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) in Pre-NELP and NELP Blocks
National Policy on Biofuels, 2018
Policy Framework for streamlining the operations, relaxation of timelines and delegation of powers to DG,DGH
Supply of DGH Data to the Service Providers under Non-Exclusive Multi-Client (NEMC) Survey Policy of Government of India (GoI)
OALP Bid Round I : List of Bidders
Press Release : Open Acreage Licensing Programme (OALP) Bid Round- I
CCEA Decision on Exploration and Exploitation of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) from areas under Coal Mining Lease allotted to Coal India Limited (CIL) and its Subsidiaries
Boost to Ease of Doing Business in Petroleum & Natural Gas Sector
Cabinet approves Exploration and Exploitation of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) from areas under Coal Mining Lease allotted to Coal India Limited (CIL) and its Subsidiaries
- Bid closing date for OALP Bid Round I is extended upto 2nd May 2018 1200 Hrs IST
Cabinet approves Discovered Small Fields (DSF) Policy Bid Round-II for 60 un-monetised discoveries
HELP Documents (OALP Bid Round-I)
Standard Operating Procedure for declaration of Commerciality (DOC), Field Development Plan (FDP) and Revised Field Development Plan (RFDP)
- Cleanliness Drive in DGH on 2nd October, 2017
- Updated status of Discovered Small Fields Bid Round - 2016
- Press release regarding Cabinet approval for survey of Un-appraised Areas of Sedimentary Basins of India
- Empanelment of Outdoor catering service providers
- Stakeholder engagement for developing an Improved Oil Recovery (IOR) – Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) policy
- Time Lines for OALP
- Documents of Open Acreage Licensing Policy launched by Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon'ble MoS(I/c), MoPNG
- Sale of Speculative survey data of IndiaSPAN Programmes
- NDR web portal is opened for end user trial
- The National Oil Companies (Review committees for management of oil and gas resources in Nomination fields) order, 2017
- Clarification on Guidelines under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for conducting seismic surveys
- Presentations of DSF Operators Workshop held on 26th April, 2017
- SOP for environment related clearances
- Award of DSF Blocks
- Help for unresolved Grievances
- Speech by Honorable Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas at DSF Mumbai Roadshow on 6th June 2016
- Speech by Honorable Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas Shri Dharmendra Pradhan at the Launch Event of “Discovered Small Fields Bid Round – 2016” Hotel Ashok, New Delhi / 25th May, 2016
- Clarification on schedule-I to the EIA Notification, 2006 for conducting 2D seismic surveys
- Oil and Gas Production Scenario in the Country
- Exploration and development data of ONGC OIL, Pvt-JVs under PSC regime as on 31-03-2016
- PPAC Gas Price
- Guidelines under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980-Clarification on drilling of shot holes for seismic surveys
- Reassessment of Hydrocarbon Resources of India
- Standing Committee on GIPIP (Good International Petroleum Industry Practices)
- Coverage of the Un-appraised Sedimentary areas by 2D seismic survey
- National Gas Hydrate Program
- Policy for Geo-scientific data generation for hydrocarbons in Indian sedimentary Basins
- Summary of Initial Data Population in NDR
- National-Offshore-Wind-Energy-Policy-Gazzette-notification
- Guidelines for EnP Operators for MoD Clearances in respect of Vessel deployment/ engagement, and Data
- Site Restoration Guidelines for Petroleum Operations
Amendment:: Policy for GEO-SCIENTIFIC DATA GENERATION for HYDROCARBONS in Indian sedimentary Basins and Agreement to carry out Non-exclusive Multi-Client Geo-scientific surveys/Activities.
- Codification of Good International Petroleum Industry Practices for E&P Sector
- NELP Blocks Awarded Under NELP-VIII
- ONGC deepwater mess-up CAG claims DGH was right in rejection two ONGC Gas finds discoveries in KG-DWN-98/2
- Marginal Field Policy Resolution
- Guidelines under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980-Clarification on drilling of shot holes for seismic surveys
- First Non-exclusive Multi-client Agreement signed with M/s Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA, Norway under Policy for Geo-scientific Data Generation for Hydrocarbons in Indian Sedimentary Basins.
- 31 Production Sharing Contracts signed under NELP-VIII on 30 June 2010
- Award of Blocks Under CBM - IV Bidding Round
- 13 PSC Signed Under NELP-IX
- First Non-exclusive Multi-client Agreement signed with M/s Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA, Norway under Policy for Geo-scientific Data Generation for Hydrocarbons in Indian Sedimentary Basins.